NEWS This is the latest News !




  1. To identify and help the needy and un-affording patients suffering from physical and/or mental health issues.
  2. To reach and help the bright and under-privileged and young students.
  3. To support widows and support poor girls for marriage also.
  4. To reach and support impoverished and deprived individuals to establish their own means to earn and honorable living.

We are inspired by Holy Quran and guided by Sunnah of our beloved Prophet MUHAMMAD PBUH, to support and practically assist humanity regardless of their color, faith and ethnicity. We, aim to help alleviate poverty and human suffering around the Sialkot city.


“Electronic Society of Altruism and Rehabilitation” is a nonprofit internet-based charity organization. The aim of organization is to help and support the poor and needy patients, students and individuals who wish to stand on their own feet to earn an honorable and independent living. Altruism is the motto of organization.


  • To achieve 50 regular financial donors by the year 2030.
  • To establish a network of the members who can raise funds in Pakistan.
  • To be able to raise at least One Million Rupees per year by year 2030.
  • Main focus would be poor individuals and families in Pakistan.

Projects we are doing 1/ poor students/ Orphans/widows and their kids support for education 2/pt support for treatment 3/Sos village kids support in the form of clothes three times a year 4/free camp for pts in Bhattoli Bajwat 5/ Ramadan rashan program every year.